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We view civic engagement and public outreach as integral components of any successful neighborhood or community plan. We value the input of community stakeholders and fully vet their participation in every project that we lead. Our main goal is to establish a truly inclusive process, creating outreach activities utilizing a variety of grass roots, digital and communications tools to solicit input and to incorporate a wide range of techniques designed to reach a diverse public.

Our approach to community planning encompasses on-the-ground methods for learning the history of communities and understanding their present state of need. Our firm attempts to look at all major planning incentives, along with planned work for our subject areas, to find the glue that will help to build, stabilize and strengthen the community. We incorporate land planning and analysis, GIS mapping and demographic analysis to best depict our subject areas and to help develop a framework for revitalization initiatives.

Strategic Consulting and Implementation provides clients the opportunity to develop a community driven implementation strategy that targets small phase one projects. We understand that it is a set of beliefs, values, design principles and practices which shape our robust approach to engaging leaders and community members around shared vision and identify tools and resources to turn their vision into reality.

Urban design gives form, shape and character to the communities and neighborhoods that we work in. We understand that the vibrance of a community is often a combined product of a rich built environment and an engaged community. In our design process, we couple market realities with community needs​ to provide our subject areas with the best possible design alternatives.

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