Spelman College is a historically Black college and a global leader in the education of women. It is committed to academic excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and the intellectual, creative, ethical, and leadership development of its students.
The college has retained Silverman CPM to oversee the program development of The Center for Arts and Innovation as the home for music, theater, dance, visual arts, art history, curatorial studies, and digital media as well as provide collaborative opportunities with science, technology and the humanities. Contente Consulting is pleased to participate on the Spelman Center for the Arts and Innovation programming team during the planning and conceptual design phase collaborating with architect Studio Gang, Spelman College faculty department chairman, students and the project steering committee to ensure that the center would foster interdisciplinary collaboration and include a design with a welcoming new front porch for the campus, oriented to the community.
City of Atlanta DriveCam Program
The City of Atlanta has implemented Lytx’s DriveCam program that provides driving risk management solutions, including video event recorders, for City vehicle operators. A video event recorder is placed in the City vehicle to document auto events activated by excessive force, such as hard braking, swerving or, of course, a crash. The event recorder captures the 8 seconds before the activation time and 4 seconds afterwards, then providing real-time feedback about the vehicle operator’s driving.
The DriveCam Driver Risk Management solution has reduced crash frequency and has increased claims cost reductions among users. Contente Consulting is contributing to these potential benefits in the City of Atlanta by helping to provide users with sufficient knowledge about driver safety and risk reduction.
As the City of Atlanta’s Redevelopment Agent, Invest Atlanta created the $15 million Westside TAD Community Improvement Fund to invest in catalytic capital projects that will result in job creation and quality of life enhancement for residents of Vine City, English Avenue and Castleberry Hill. Contente Consulting assisted prospective applicants by providing consulting and technical assistance associated with completing the application ensuring that the project met the goals outlined in Westside TAD redevelopment and implementation plans and were financially feasible.
MARTA Station Retail Analysis
AECOM, Contente Consulting and a team of experts in demographics, retail markets, travel retail, concession operation, and financial market developed a process for validation and provided updates to a previous study that evaluated the feasibility of retail in MARTA Stations throughout the transit system. Using Psychographic Analysis, the team determined that for retail to thrive inside or outside the fare gates, it must succeed financially; brands must be attractive to riders; concessions must be located in noticeable, accessible, and sufficiently sized spaces; and fit within the real operating environments of real stations.
City of Clarkston Business Association
Contente Consulting worked with the City of Clarkston in collaboration with local businesses to provide organization development services to assist with the development of a Business Association. Utilizing information gathered through previous involvement with the Clarkston business community, Contente Consulting identified three main tasks to engage and inform local business owners; data collection, an education series and organization development technical assistance.
In collaboration with the NYMIA Group, Contente Consulting, Inc. provided demographic analysis and assessed a market area expansion to provide residential development, property management, and community building services in Atlanta and surrounding communities.
Cobb Housing, Inc. (CHI) Organizational Redesign
Contente Consulting, Inc., in collaboration with The NYMIA Group, facilitated and prepared an organization redesign and reassessment to help direct Cobb Housing Inc. towards a new vision as the leading Community Development Corporation in Cobb and Cherokee Counties.
Albany Housing Authority Choice Neighborhoods
Through a 2012 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant the Albany Housing Authority (AHA) intends to replace McIntosh Homes and stabilize the surrounding West Central neighborhood. AHA is currently developing a transformation plan that will facilitate the revitalization of the public housing while encouraging self sufficiency of the community residents. Over 50 community partners currently participate in working groups to develop the transformation strategy and leverage resources for health, education, and job training services.
HUD in partnership with the HBCU Community Development Action Coalition hosted a three day conference in Atlanta, GA to provide HBCUs and other community economic development entities an opportunity to learn about new public and private strategies and resources that can be used to revitalize neighborhoods surrounding college campuses. Contente Consulting organized and facilitated the conference of 40 distinguished panelists and speakers, including business leaders, HBCU faculty and staff, Community Economic Development professionals, community leaders/advocates, for-profit developers, and policymakers to share perspectives on how anchor institutions can utilize their assets to stabilize and strengthen our nation’s urban and rural communities.
Development Progression Assessment Surrounding the Atlanta University Center (AUC)
With development occurring rapidly around the AUC, college and university Presidents charged the University Community Development Corporation to assess the regional assets and resources within a 1.7 mile radius of the campuses. Contente Consulting, Inc. provided the GIS analysis and mapping to assist the institutions’ preparation towards enhancing their community impact through investments and revitalization initiatives.
Morehouse College commissioned Contente Consulting, Inc. to provide community development services to update the 1998 Morehouse Community Revitalization Initiative Study. This planning initiative serves as a tool to assist the institution with its efforts to track the development progression of the community surrounding the campus and to further enhance revitalization initiatives through investment.
Morehouse College Community Revitalization Initiative
In an effort for Fort Valley State University Community Development Corporation to actively seek additional opportunities to expand its role as a community change agent, Contente Consulting in collaboration with the HBCU Community Development Action Coalition performed an evaluation of current internal operations of the CDC that revealed systems gaps, leadership challenges and needs to be addressed immediately. A detailed environmental assessment of the City of Fort Valley was also performed to provide a data centered perspective on community assets and leaders that can be used to enhance community connections needed to transform targeted neighborhoods.