The Council District 3 Neighborhood Master Plan is a council-wide master planning process in the City of Atlanta. Being the first district-wide plan in the city, this 12-month, community-driven planning process focused on enhancing the neighborhoods within District 3 while establishing the vision, goals, and implementation strategies for the redevelopment of the neighborhoods that have never had a redevelopment plan. Upon completion, the plan will be adopted by Ordinance of the City Council, approved by the Mayor of Atlanta, and transportation, land use and zoning recommendations incorporated into the city’s Comprehensive Development Plan.
Contente Consulting serves as the Lead Consultant on this project, providing project management and oversight of the multidisciplinary team including Perkins + Will and VHB. In addition, Contente Consulting establishes and implements public visioning activities to better identify the individual needs across the district as it relates to housing, employment, health, education, safety, community building and transportation.
The BeltLine is a redevelopment project along a 22-mile loop of historic rail segments that creates a network of public parks, multi-use trails, transit and new development shaping the way Atlanta grows over the next 25 years and beyond. The initial implementation phase of this network included a Feasibility Study and a Redevelopment Plan. While with Urban Collage, Contente Terry managed the overall land use and building conditions analysis, GIS analysis and mapping and blight findings to ensure the feasibility of the project and meet the requirements needed to pursue a TAD.
Once the Beltline master planning was underway, in 2009 EDAW in collaboration with APD and Contente Consulting, Inc. coordinated a master plan for sub-area 5 (Freedom Parkway) and developed the foundation for overall project implementation for the northwest quadrant of the City. Contente Consulting provided existing conditions analysis and GIS mapping services for this initiative.
Relevant Scope:
Land Use Analysis
GIS Analysis & Mapping
Quantitative Research
Public Engagement & Facilitation
Master Planning
Project Highlights:
Responsible for the analysis of existing land use patterns and existing conditions;
Infrastructure and utilizes analysis;
Review and assessment of previous planning initiatives;
GIS analysis maps generation;
Facilitated public engagement visioning sessions;
Master planning concept development support.
Lindbergh MARTA Station Transit Oriented Development Master Plan
Contente Consulting in coordination with AECOM developed design concepts for the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Master Plan update for the Linderbergh MARTA Station. Linderbergh became MARTA’s first major TOD project, and one of the preeminent first generation TOD projects in the country in 1998. Today Lindbergh is MARTA’s second busiest rail station, and an important park and ride access point. As such an important transit hub, MARTA determined the time had come to update the area’ s master plan and build on its existing assets.
Phase I of the Linderbergh master plan achieved some of the density and mixed use goals of MARTA’s TOD guidelines; compact development, a rich mix of land uses, an inviting public realm and a new approach to parking, the plan update sought to improve upon these elements. The project looked beyond the immediate station area, as to connect surrounding areas to transit and commerce.
There are multiple opportunities for increased density and replacing street fronted parking lots with more pedestrian friendly uses, and setbacks on Piedmont Road, the station’s main frontage road. Much of the land east of Piedmont Road (Linderbergh’s main thoroughfare) is seeing dense
The Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham has embarked upon a continuing evaluation of alternatives along Bessemer Superhighway (US-11) to address suburban growth demands. The US-11 Southwest Corridor Transit Alternatives Analysis - funded by a Federal Transit Administration grant though the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority explores the synergies between land use and transit investments, finding ways to improve transit services along US-11 to energize economic development for those who live, work and go to school in the corridor.
The team of experienced professionals with expertise in transit planning is managed by ATKINS. Contente Consulting in collaboration with Wallace Roberts & Todd, is providing land use and station area analysis and planning.
Project Highlights:
Responsible for analysis of existing land use patterns and conditions;
Identify development opportunities that will be economically sustainable;
Provide support on the mobility vision to include Light Rail, Shuttle and BRT;
Develop a menu of land use programs and implementation tools;
Identify solutions into feasible and sustainable projects that community residents and stakeholders can own and implement;
Work with community leaders and project champions to form partnerships that can successfully pursue funding and capacity building;
Station Areas include Princeton Hospital, Five Points West, Aronov Drive, and South Bessemer.
University Homes Choice Neighborhoods
In 2011, the Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) received a $250,000 Choice Neighborhoods planning grant from HUD to develop a Transformation Plan to improve access to quality housing, schools, transportation, and services in the communities surrounding the AHA former University Homes site. The Veranda at Scholars Landing, 100 units of senior housing, opened in spring 2013 as the first development project with a senior assisted living facility to break ground in late 2013.
McDaniel Glenn
The redevelopment of AHA’s McDaniel Glenn public housing was the catalectic project outlined in the revitalization strategy for the Mechanicsville neighborhood located in south Atlanta. In July 2004, the Atlanta Housing Authority received a $20 million federal HOPE VI grant to assist in the development a new mixed-income community which now includes 907 housing units across a broad range of types and the reconstruction of Rosa Burney Park. With a partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a newly renovated/constructed Dunbar Community Center, a newly constructed Dunbar Elementary school and a new branch library are products of this revitalization initiative.
Capitol Gateway
The former Capitol Homes, located on Memorial Drive on downtown Atlanta's eastern edge, received $35,000,000 in HOPE VI revitalization funds in 2001. The AHA property was redeveloped as a live-work-play community with 1,033 mixed-income apartments. At build-out, the development will also feature 45,000 square feet of offices, shops and restaurants, an early-child development center and a Sylvan Learning Center to provide after-school tutoring.
The Villages at Carver
AHA was awarded $44,389,920 HOPE VI revitalization and demolition grant in 1998 for the former Carver Homes on Pryor Road in southwest Atlanta. With two of four phases completed, the mixed-income community will have 232 homes, 718 apartments and townhouses, 100 units of senior housing, and a new YMCA.
Greenville Housing Authority - HOPE VI
This planning initiative worked with The City of Greenville, the Greenville Housing Authority (GHA) and community stakeholders to develop a long-range master plan for the revitalization of the Nicholtown neighborhood and the Jesse Jackson Townhomes. This strategic action plan, consistent with the community’s vision, included a large central greenway, new mixed use on Pleasantburg Drive and infill development. As a result of this process, GHA was awarded a $20 Million HOPE VI grant in 2004 to revitalize the Jesse Jackson Townhomes.
Columbia Housing Authority - HOPE VI
Rosewood Hills
In 2003, the Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) produced a market-based development plan along the lines of the HOPE VI model for the 19-acre Hendley Homes public housing site. The Rosewood Hills Master Plan emphasized public involvement and architectural compatibility to rally the adjoining neighborhoods around a new vision for the area. CHA was awarded $10.5 million dollars as part of a successful 2004 HOPE VI Grant Application for Hendley Homes.
Riverview Neighborhood Plan
In August and September of 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused unprecedented damage throughout the Gulf Coast region, and especially to the greater New Orleans area. The Riverview neighborhood located near the Mississippi River and in close proximity to some of the City’s most significant development projects, experienced years of disinvestment and had the largest concentration of adjudicated properties in Algiers. Contente Consulting, in collaboration with Asset Property Disposition developed a plan to get in the forefront of mobilizing and empowering the community stakeholders with a comprehensive vision and implementation strategy. As the planning project manager and community engagement coordinator, Contente Terry focused on the key components of the overall strategy: (a) building resident stakeholder capacity, (b) leveraging private sector investment, (c) encouraging economic development and job creation as part of a neighborhood retail corridor, (d) planning and designing neighborhood-oriented open space, and (e) developing underutilized resources such as addressing vacant buildings and abandoned land.
Laney Walker/Bethlehem Blight Findings and Community Redevelopment Plan
Over time, the once vibrant Laney Walker and Bethlehem neighborhoods became neglected and fell into disrepair. The desire to revitalize this historic area was initiated by the City in pursuit of 8 million dollars in bond financing for project development. Contente Consulting, Inc. prepared the State required Blight Findings Report and Urban Redevelopment Plan that will serve as powerful tools to support significant economic development and enhance the quality of life of the community citizens and stakeholders. The bond funding was successfully issued and closed in June 2010. As a result, the development of a flagship community is underway. Heritage Pine is a vibrant, safe and walkable community that provides a sense of place and rooted in sustainability.
In collaboration with Urban Collage, Contente Terry managed the development of a revitalization plan for the 520-acre Belmont neighborhood area north-east of Downtown Charlotte focusing on future land use, infrastructure and circulation, zoning and implementation strategies for redevelopment projects. The plan includes rehab, infill and new construction housing strategies, two neighborhood commercial centers, a neighborhood greenway system, relocation of the City’s Facilities/ Maintenance Departments from the neighborhood, and redevelopment strategies for Piedmont Courts public housing which the Charlotte Housing Authority was awarded a HOPE VI grant to redevelop.
EDSA led an effort in partnership with APD, Contente Consulting, RKG, and Volkert & Associates, to develop an inclusive, consensus-based plan resulting in the formation of an Urban Design Plan and Economic Development Strategy for Downtown Mobile and the surrounding neighborhoods. The plan initiatives were focused on public realm enhancements, economic development opportunities, neighborhood revitalization, and conservation efforts as well as transportation, parking and infrastructure needs for specific focus areas within the nine square mile downtown and surrounding neighborhoods study area. The extensive public involvement and data collection processes were led by Contente Consulting which included a parcel level survey of the physical environment, SWOT analysis and GIS mapping.
Nicholtown Revitalization Plan
In collaboration with Urban Collage, Contente Terry managed the development of a long-range master plan for the revitalization of the Nicholtown neighborhood and the Jesse Jackson Townhomes. This planning initiative worked with The City of Greenville, the Greenville Housing Authority (GHA) and community stakeholders to develop a strategic action plan consistent with the community’s vision for redevelopment projects including a large central greenway, Jesse Jackson Townhomes, new mixed use on Pleasantburg Drive and infill development. As a result of this process, GHA was awarded a $20 Million HOPE VI grant to revitalize the Jesse Jackson Townhomes located within the Nicholtown Neighborhood.
North Lawndale Revitalization Initiative
Along with Asset Property Disposition (APD), Contente Consulting assisted with developing a strategy for the disposition and development of 900 City-owned vacant lots in the North Lawndale community that was consistent with the City of Chicago‘s revitalization goals. The vacant lots were amongst the North Lawndale's Greystone apartment buildings that were built in dense clusters from 1890 to 1915 to serve a booming immigrant population. It was envisioned that with the restoration of the Greystones in conjunction with redeveloping the vacant lots into active spaces, mixed income residential blocks and retail services, this low income community would experience a resurgence.